Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Do I really need to be labeled?

Over the years we've been involved in a few Christian churches ranging from the Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church, the Baptist Church, as well as the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. Ultimately we found ourselves flustered with all Christian churches and found ourselves fairly closely in line with the beliefs and values espoused by the Unitarian Universalists. We also came to the realization that we were frustrated and discouraged with most any religious organization or association and moved away from any church or association.

We have issues with atheism and agnosticism, since those terms infer negative or undefined views. We began exploring other views and ran across Humanists and Free Thought philosophies. Interestingly Free Thought movements within the United States evolved into the Unitarian Universalist Association. The definition for Humanism from the American Humanist Association is "Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity." Again a negative perspective (without theism and other supernatural beliefs) instead of focusing more on the positive. We feel like we relate to some of the Humanists views such as "Secular Humanism is a life stance that focuses on the way human beings can lead good, happy and functional lives." The problem we have is that we don't necessarily feel we need a church or association to help us lead the life we aspire to. That's my question. Why do I need to be labeled? Is that for my benefit, or for others?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Judge not... Such a hypocrisy.

I would venture to say there are many people who don't look to God to serve as their morality governor, but are afraid to be scorned or branded.  They just don't openly profess this since they more highly value the social acceptance of the "Christian" label.  They cling to this label mainly because this has been set as a norm for society in general.  If you don't conform to this norm, attention will be drawn to you.  This attention could garner negative ramifications, so this is too much of a risk that could have detrimental effects on one's social or business standing in the community.  This has evolved to a point where the supposed avid Christians so readily dismiss the classic passage (Judge not…).  They band together and question the honor and principles of a neighbor who challenges the need to look to God as their morality governor.  It frustrates me knowing that others of like philosophies are being held hostage by those who hypocritically claim not to judge.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Not what I don't!

There are many don'ts in my life.  In that list would be - I don't believe in God.  I could list all of the other don'ts, but that would make for a long boring list that would benefit no one.  I do pray, and my definition of pray is to hope with earnestness or zeal for something desired. I pray the paths taken by my fellow human beings brings them to the positive outcomes they aspire to.  I also pray that my fellow humans reciprocate and have similar prayers for my family, my friends, and for me.  I treat all around me with the same degree of respect I hope they bestow on me.  This is what I do hope for - what I do believe in.  I want to be defined by what I do, not what I don't.